Friday, April 30, 2010

The maidens of Erechtheion

Having that roof over their heads for all of eternity...that's intense.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Giovanni and Lusanna...and The Simpsons

If I'm supposed to be writing a paper about Giovanni and Lusanna (that's due tomorrow), then why am I still watching last night's episode of The Simpsons?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

In class doodles when I was bored

My professor had a map of Europe showing Warsaw on her reminded me of "How I Met Your Mother."

I crossed out "ton amour" because I didn't want the guy next to me to get the wrong idea. Note to him: Don't flatter yourself!

The girl sitting next to me kept eying my note. I think she got the idea after I jot this down in capital letters.

Bored (would've looked better with color)

Just to reiterate, I was bored....

...saw some guy I haven't seen in a long time. He grew a beard (wish I'd taken a picture of his beard instead of my commentary on it).

History discussion...such a waste of time! I thinks it's pretty obvious.

My first attempt at drawing a TARDIS....